Expanding your patients’ understanding of severe aortic stenosis (SAS), also known as heart valve failure
Achieving improved outcomes starts with trust and communication between you and your patient. And using patient-friendly terminology may help them better understand symptoms they may be experiencing and engage during appointments. For instance, reframing SAS as "heart valve failure" may raise awareness and urgency to discuss their symptoms.
Research has shown that shared decision-making can also positively impact the patient experience. Ensuring that time is allocated to talk through options and goals can help ensure patients feel informed and part of the decision-making process.1
“We know that failing to recognize these symptoms for what they actually are can have consequences. Because as time goes on, outcomes worsen.”
Andy Y. Lee, MD Cardiologist
Are your patients truly lacking these signals, or are they simply failing to recognize or report them?
of patients with SAS did not report their symptoms— and cardiac damage may already be occurring2-5
of patients with SAS who did not initially report symptoms revealed symptoms during functional testing6
The early warning signs of AS can be deceptive, and may not always be recognized by patients. Or they may attribute it to simply aging.7 If you suspect that any of your patients have AS, probe them about changes in their activities and whether they’re continuing to participate in their hobbies. Uncovering the signs of progression to SAS requires a careful assessment of their medical history, echocardiogram, and changes in activity levels.8
For tips on uncovering symptoms of SAS in your patients, download the stress test.
References:1.Coylewright M, O'Neill E, Sherman A, et al. The learning curve for shared decision-making in symptomatic aortic stenosis. JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5(4):442-448.2.Généreux P, Stone GW, O’Gara PT, et al. Natural history, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic strategies for patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(19):2263-2288.3.Pellikka PA, Sarano M, Nishimura RA, et al. Outcome of 622 adults with asymptomatic, hemodynamically significant aortic stenosis during prolonged follow-up. Circulation. 2005;111(24):3290-3295. 4.Pai RG, Kapoor N, Bansal RC, et al. Malignant natural history of asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: benefit of aortic valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;82(6):2116-2122.5.Treibel TA, Kozor R, Schofield R, et al. Reverse myocardial remodeling following valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71(8):860-871. 6.Saeed S, Rajani R, Seifert R, Parkin D, Chambers JB. Exercise testing in patients with asymptomatic moderate or severe aortic stenosis. Heart. 2018;104(22):1836-1842.7.Otto CM. Timing of aortic valve surgery. Heart. 2000;84(2):211-218.8.Otto CM, Nishimura RA, Bonow RO, et al. 2020 ACC/AHA guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2021;143(5):e72-e227.9.Baumgartner H, Hung J, Bermejo J, et al. Recommendations on the echocardiographic assessment of aortic valve stenosis: A focused update from the European association of cardiovascular imaging and the American society of echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2017;30(4):372-392.10.Malaisrie SC, McDonald E, Kruse J, et al. Mortality while waiting for aortic valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014;98(5):1564-1571.
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