A "Waiting Is Not Winning" Story
One patient's deeply personal experience with heart valve failure
Make your voice be heard, find the best treatment, and make the most of your next visit with this brief questionnaire.
You should know the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommend that patients receive treatment as soon as they are diagnosed with heart valve failure and start to experience symptoms. Once symptoms start, people with heart valve failure who don’t replace their failing aortic valve put their
All patients diagnosed with heart valve failure should ask for
Additional types of patients who should ask for a TAVR
Bicuspid aortic valve patients who are experiencing symptoms. Open heart surgery is sometimes the best option, but it's not always the only option.
Patients at high risk for surgery and who need another valve procedure (valve-in-valve).
The longer you wait, the deadlier heart valve failure gets. Ask your doctor if it’s time for TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement).3
One patient's deeply personal experience with heart valve failure
Heart valve failure can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, or zip code, and these factors can determine who lives or dies from it. But it shouldn’t be this way. It’s clearly affecting people who are medically underserved:
Older adults are
Black Americans may
be at greater risk for
early-onset heart
valve disease5,10
Women receive over 20%
fewer TAVRs vs men
(a gap that continues to grow)7,11
Black and Hispanic
Americans receive fewer
treatments for failing
heart valves5,6,12
When it comes to
heart valve disease,
women are often diagnosed
later than men7
Women have even
better outcomes after
TAVR than men13
While heart valve failure can happen to anyone, it is treatable. If you have heart valve failure, ask to be referred to a Heart Valve Team right away.5-8
Each kit is packed with valuable information and resources to help you better understand TAVR.
Get your kitPatients and/or clinicians quoted on this website have received compensation from Edwards Lifesciences.